THE LAMB CATHOLIC WORKER, Columbus - Thanks to St. Gabriel Radio for broadcasting the superb talk yesterday (July 16) that Fr. Connor gave on Dorothy Day in his series on famous Catholic converts. Beautiful! I particularly liked the comment that a bishop, or even archbishop, had used caution not to denounce her because she could very well be a saint [in service to our Lord Himself]. We shall see - most likely some time soon! How humble of him though, to set aside his own personal history and opinions so as not to stand in the way of God. Our dear Lord will reward him. All of her work for the destitute, spanning nearly fifty years, will be a credit to him as well. Somewhere in sacred Scripture it says that giving alms to the poor covers or wipes away a multitude of sin. One can imagine how much sin or debt would be eliminated by living with and serving the poor twenty-four hours a day for decades; or being a support for others who are willing to do the same.
If Dorothy Day, in her great holiness, appeared controversial, she was in very good company. Jesus was not popular among those religious who could not fathom His depths of love and mercy, as well as His high, beyond this world, follower expectations of the same love and mercy towards every other person, especially the most destitute. - Monica
66,700 views, 100 countries! The people of this house will shine the light of Dorothy Day and Peter Maurin's hospitality, yet also highest levels of the power of the Holy Spirit! European Union viewers, research cookies that track you ("Google Analytics" and "Adsense"), to accept. Questions: At BOTTOM hit "Older Posts" more posts! Search inside blog like for "Christian Nonviolence MLK." Monica Siemer, P.O. Box 44009, Columbus, OH 43204, (614) 235-2557
Wednesday, July 17, 2013
St. Gabriel Radio's Dorothy Day Talk Excellent
dorothy day,
Lamb Catholic Worker,
St. Gabriel Radio,